Holy Fire Atlanta

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Holy Fire Atlanta

St. Benedict wants to invite all middle school youth to a middle school event like no other!

Holy Fire Atlanta is hosted by the Archdiocese of Atlanta and is going to be held at the Georgia State University Convocation Center on September 14 from 9:30 AM until 5:30 PM.

This is a daylong retreat where middle school Catholics are invited and challenged to embrace their baptismal call and the powerful, relevant gospel of Jesus. It includes talks by dynamic speakers, witness by peers, inspirational praise and worship, and rich experiences of the Sacraments.

Holy Fire helps young people to feel seen, welcomed, and invited into a life changing commitment to Christ. Events like this have proven to be massively transformational in the lives of young Catholics.

Cost: $59.50 for Ticket and Lunch ($12 for tee shirt – optional)

Transportation not included. All participants will need transportation to Atlanta. Once there, you will drop off your kids in our care for the day. If there are enough youth signed up, we will book transportation as a parish. All students will remain with our church group throughout the day.

This will be a fun and life changing experience for your child. Take a look at the event website for additional information. Register your child to take part in this retreat with our Saint Benedict Crew! Please do so prior to August 19 (late fee afterward).

Questions? Contact Sarah Burke at sburke@stbenedict.net