Small Group Leader Resources
New Leader Training Video
Link to video coming soon!
Leader vs. Facilitator
What are my responsibilities, role and function?
What’s Next for Small Groups?
Is your group now 6-12 months along and you are wondering what’s next? We have developed a video teaching on how your group can spread its wings!
Weekly Mass Readings and Reflections
A Note about the liturgical year: The new liturgical year begins with the first Sunday of Advent each year. We have a 3 year cycle of readings, A, B, and C. You will find when searching for the video reflections, they reference the A, B, and C years as well as what week in the cycle it is (ie-26th Sunday in Ordinary time). When you look up the readings on the USCCB calendar for each Sunday, it will tell you what week it is. The year, A, B, or C are not noted. In this current 2022-2023 year, we are in cycle A. The new year starting December 3rd, 2023 and running through November 14th, 2024 will be cycle B.
Sunday Mass Readings on the USCCB website
Reflection and Study Questions for each Sunday
Video Reflection for each Sunday on FORMED