
Home / Ministries / Liturgical

Involvement Opportunities

If you would like to become part of one of our Ministries at St. Benedict Catholic Church, please contact the Front Office at  and we will connect you with the ministry head.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

Parishioners are welcome to come to the Chapel to spend time in quiet prayer and adoration of our Lord. During these hours, the consecrated host– the body, blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ– is exposed in a monstrance.

USCCB Video on Adoration
Scheduled adorers (guardians) commit to coming every week, at the same time, for one hour.  Adoration is held 8:00 AM through 9:00 PM on Wednesday, then 8:00 AM Thursday morning running continuously until 9:00 AM Saturday morning each week. Please check our current bulletin for  Adoration closings during holidays & the small table outside of our Chapel for Volunteer Guardian Hours that are needed.
Want to be a guardian or know more about it? Inquire by emailing

Additional Adoration Guardians are currently needed! A list of current timeslots in need will be posted after Easter.

Eucharistic Ministers

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist assist by administering the Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Christ. Belief in and a deep commitment to the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist is essential for service. Confirmed adults welcome.

Music Ministry

Our mission is to spread the “good news” of Christ through excellence in music. We offer programs from pre-school through adults. With eight choirs, there is a musical opportunity for everyone including playing woodwind and string instruments in some of the choirs.

Click here for more information about our music ministry.


This ministry helps the parishioners with seating during weekend Masses and includes taking up the collection and helping flow of Communion traffic. No experience needed.

Altar Servers

Servers assist the priest at regular Masses, and other liturgies. Boys and Girls ages 9-18 who have received First Penance and First Eucharist are welcome to join.

Lectors (Readers at Mass)

Lectors are members of the parish who proclaim the scripture readings at Mass, make announcements, and read the Prayers of the Faithful. Lectors are required to have received the sacrament of Confirmation and must be at least 16 years old. Lectors must be able to speak clearly and must commit to spending 20 to 30 minutes practicing and preparing before each Mass for which they are scheduled.


Sacristans prepare our church for parish liturgical celebrations. As they put the physical items in place that we need to celebrate, it is through these actions that they also  communicate to the assembly to prepare their hearts for worship. Ultimately, they work alongside other ministry leaders to encourage full, conscious, active participation for all those gathered for worship.


For information on how you can assist in this ministry please contact the parish office.