33 Years of Service: A Celebration

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33 Years of Service: A Celebration

The Knights of Columbus St. Benedict Council 10633 are celebrating 33 years of service to our parish community with a dinner. ALL are invited to this event (adults only, please). This is an open event. Anyone is welcomed to attend – Knights, spouses, non-Knights, parishioners, etc. Complimentary child care will be provided by Edge teens. Tickets are $35 per person (the event ticket covers meal plus one drink ticket). The dinner will be catered by The Southern Porch with a menu of roasted pork loin, pulled BBQ chicken, roasted potatoes, pimento mac and cheese, country green beans, Caesar salad, Greek salad, rolls and butter, and a cash bar of wine, beer and soda.

Tickets are for sale in the narthex after Mass each weekend.