Easter Basket

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Easter Basket Items Collection

Once again, WINGS (previously the Women’s Guild) will be making Easter Giving Baskets for local charities: Gift of Grace, Hope Atlanta, The Place, Nicholas House and Cheryl’s Lunches of Love and Father Roy Lee to distribute to the homeless. 

Last year we donated 823 baskets to these charities!  We would like to do the same this year! 

We really need your support by donating the following new items:

Easter buckets
Easter basket grass
Chocolate bunnies (preferably 3 ounce-5 ounce)
Small/medium stuffed animals
Religious books
Religious coloring/activity books
Crayons (preferably 16 or 24 count)
Bags of individually wrapped candy

There are baskets with item reminder crosses on the table outside the Parish Life Center (PLC) as well as examples of items needed. A bin will be placed just inside the Parish Life Center (PLC) to collect the donations.  All donations are due by Friday, April 4th.  Thank you for your support!