Teen Events & Service Opportunities

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Teen Events & Service Opportunity Calendar

Teen Events Calendar with SignUp Links

The teen events and service opportunities along with the links to volunteer at the events are on the calendar.

Help with Teen Mass

Please help us at the 5:00 pm Sunday Teen Mass by ushering or reading.

Steubenville – Atlanta Teen Conference

July 11-13, 2025

For all rising 9th grade through newly graduated seniors!

Steubenville Atlanta is an amazing summer event hosted by Life Teen and Franciscan University. The conference brings together thousands of teens to worship, to sing, to celebrate the sacraments and to experience Catholic community with teens and adults. We are very fortunate that one of the few conferences put on nationwide each summer is practically in our back yard at Gas South Convention Center in Duluth!

Each day we will have mass, games, talks, worship, small groups, entertainment and free time. During free time we’ll play games, go shopping at the bookstore, go to confession, etc. It’s a wonderful weekend with fellow Catholic teens from St. Benedict’s, nearby churches and around the country!

We ask parents to please bring your teen directly to/from the event each day. We’ll meet in the Gas South parking garage and enter the Conference as a group.

Regular Price (through June 12th): $240 (includes registration and meals)

From June 12th – June 28th, the registration fee increases to $250. The last day to register is June 28th.

For more information or questions: Contact Amy Bennett, Assistant to Youth Minister at abennett@stbenedict.net


Please follow us on our Instagram account!


We use remind to send announcements and invitations to events from the Youth Ministry Office instead of traditional emails.  

This code is for those teens who are not in our Faith Formation program, but would like to know about events, service opportunities, etc.   If you are in our Faith Formation program, you will sign up for your appropriate grade level’s remind in order to receive these messages.

If you would like to receive push notifications on your smartphone, open your web browser and type rmd.at/fddea8    Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.

If you prefer to receive text notifications, text the message @fddea8  to the number 81010. If you’re having trouble with 81010, try texting @fddea8   to 832-786-2579. * Standard text message rates apply.

If you prefer to receive emails from remind,  go to rmd.at/fddea8 on a desktop computer to sign up for email notifications.

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