St. Benedict Teen Ministry
Confirmation Journey
On behalf of the Youth Ministry team, welcome to the St. Benedict Journey to Confirmation Program. This 3-year journey (2 years of formation and 1 year of preparation for the Holy Sacrament) will provide reflection and growth opportunities for teens in a supportive faith environment.
The Journey reaches teens through many different facets-online classes, Edge/Life Teen Life Nights, retreats, service opportunities, praise (in and outside of the Mass), social events, small group discussions, videos, teen mentors, priests, deacons, and dedicated and enthusiastic adult volunteers! Edge is for middle school students and Life Teen is for high school students.
We encourage your questions; contact us anytime. Thank you and God bless.
Rita Anderson, Youth Minister (
Use the button below to navigate to our Confirmation page to explore the process and get all the information you need.
Registration for our 2024-2025 school year is currently CLOSED. Teens in 8th grade will register using our EDGE registration form. Teens in high school will use our Life Teen registration form.
ATTENTION: Registration ended Thursday, August 29 at 2:00 PM
Sign up for the registration waitlist below.

Life Teen
9th through 12th Grade Youth Ministry
“What is Life Teen?”
Life Teen is a community for high schoolers, 9th to 12th grade, to join and grow in faith and fellowship. It is also a place to laugh, feel safe, and know you are loved beyond measure.
For all of our High Schoolers, 9th to 12th grade, Life Night is a place to grow to know the person of Christ, grow in friendship with him, and find friends who want to do the same thing. The majority of our Life Nights will cover issues or questions of morality that teens are facing on a daily basis and guide the teens to understand the truth and wisdom that our faith reveals.
Our already confirmed high school students have a choice of attending Life Teen as a student or registering as a Core Team Member who will assist the Youth Ministry Team and have set responsibilities for each meeting as the heart and soul of the Life Teen Program!
How Can YOU Help? We are in search of dedicated adults and mature confirmed teens, from any stage of life, to give of your time journeying in faith with the youth of our parish. Will you join our team and lead the way for the next generation in faith?
ATTENTION: Registration ended Thursday, August 29 at 2:00 PM

Confirmation | Journey 1 | Journey 2 | Journey 3 | Core Team | Teen Events & Service Opportunities